Monday, August 4, 2008

A New Month

How short life seems sometimes. The days blur into weeks, months, and years. It always surprises me to realize how much time has passed...since I graduated high school, married Jeremy, met Thomas.

It's been 12 years since I graduated high school. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up this December and Jeremy and I are planning a trip to Disneyland and the surrounding fun. He has never been there and I figure at age 32 its definitely TIME. It is going to be a blast. He's is the funnest person i've ever known and everytime we get breaks from the everyday stresses I'm reminded of how much I really do LOVE his company. We've had Thomas for 2 years and five months now. He is an amazing little man. We wonder what we ever did before him. Life is so full.

Right now Jeremy and I are trying to figure out why our business is not being profitable. We've always struggled, but in the past we always had a huge amount of accounts receivables we were trying to collect, but right now the number is not that high and we are struggling worse than ever. We are having to lay off some of our employees which is heartbreaking for us. It feels like we have failed. We have such wonderful people working for us. It is hard to let them down.


Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

Sorry to hear things are going ruff. Keep praying and having a positive attitude! Things will get better they always have a way of working out.

fivelive said...

keep your head up and know that life is a circle some times you will be on top and some times you will be on the bottom but when your on the bottom just know there will be a top again oh check out my blog

fivelive said...

I forgot our blog is

fivelive said...

I forgot our blog is