Sunday, July 20, 2008

Deep Thoughts - By Well Not Jack Handy, but Becky

I've been thinking lately about myself and life and what it all means. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of course I know the big picture of where I came from, why I'm here on earth, and where my goal is to be after this life. Sometimes the deeper meaning of "why am I here?" is what really gets me going. Of course we are here to prove ourselves to our Heavenly Father and to return to Him when we die, but I believe that each of us has a profound difference that we can make while we are here and what that profound difference is, is the question.

I was recently watching the Youtube video of Paul Potts singing for Britains Got Talent. Everytime I hear his first audition I cry. Today I was trying to figure out what makes me cry when I hear him sing that song. I've decided it is because he is making his difference in the world. He shows us what we all can become when he sings. We all want greatness and to make a difference and when we see an unknown person, doing a normal everyday job, suddenly become something great that brings light into everyones life we re-remember that their are great things for each of us to do and we just have to keep searching and reaching until we find what those things are that will make our life truly meaningful.


Quinn & Ogden Nash said...

That really nice Becky! While we are on the notion of making a difference, I have a story.
It happened a while ago when I was about 17 or so. I was driving with my little sister and saw an SUV pulled to the side of the road but still in the road and on part of the sidewalk. At first I was really annoyed and upset that I had to slow down a little to get around them, but I as did I saw that it was a car full of teenage, yes teenage, boys who had gotten out of their car to help a man who had fallen out of his wheelchair. Just writing about it makes me want to cry. What great examples they were to me of Christlike love and they did even know it.
Thanks Becky for giving us all time to think about how to make a difference!

Quinn & Ogden Nash said...


Carolyn said...

Hey Becky--good to see you blogging again. Remember Merilee from the old primary days? We went to her and Mark's new house the other night--made me think of you--make sure to tell me if you are in town again and we'll do Chinese or something!